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Books and Resources


PublisHER Academy

Speaking Inquiries

Hello Sister,

Welcome! We are so glad you are here! Our mission ​is to confidently lead more women to Jesus by ​declaring hope found in Identity in Christ, Godly ​Confidence, and Wild Obedience to the King of Kings.

Here you will find an invitation be to brave, to be ​bold, to be authentically you. To rise together in bold ​confidence because God needs you.

Ashley, CEO + FOUNDER, is a preacher, author and ​certified coach and loves empowering others to live ​to their fullest potential while discerning the voice of ​the Holy Spirit. So if you are ready to rise up, be ​transformed by Christ and fully walk in purpose, ​then we invite you to stay a while and declare Psalm ​27:3 as your next vision statement.

Though an army encamp against her, ​my heart shall not fear; though war ​arise against me, yet I will be confident.

psalm 27:3

Connect with Preacher Ash

Book Ashley to Speak

Ashley is a dynamic ​speaker filled with the ​Holy Spirit. She speaks ​for a variety of events ​including but not limited ​to: women’s retreats, ​pulpit fill, conferences, ​The Mom Co Groups, ​workshops, churches, ​kids and youth summer ​camps and more!

PublisHER Academy

This is designed for the ​women who wants to write ​a devotional and self-​publish a devotional in 180 ​days or less. Choose from ​two courses:

  1. God told me to write a ​book, but how?
  2. It’s written, now what?

So if you are ready to ​finally write and publish ​your devotional learn ​more here!

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Books and Resources

Here you will find a ​Variety of both free ​resources and ones ​available in the Lead ​Confident Shop. From a ​Kid’s Prayer book, to ​personal devotions--​shop here for all things ​Lead Confident!


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"I am so thankful for this space ​and know that

I'll look back on this and say I'm so ​glad

Ashley is living from a place of ​overflow. Go listen to the podcast ​she was on if you can.

Because of her obedience and yes ​to Jesus we get to learn and grow ​here."

— Kendra —

Fairfield, ID

Preach it, Sister Academy

"Thank you! I seriously am just ​running names through my mind ​of SO many women…and men who ​need this study!!! This is incredible. ​So hard to take it all in. I think I will ​reference back to this for many ​years ahead, so I never go back or ​forget!"


South Carolina

She is Free Devotional

"This study has been such a good study!

Unbelievable that is it already half way ​done! All I can say is WOW! I didn't ​realize just how much I needed this ​lesson today. One of the things Ashley ​has told me that has stuck with me is ​that 'grapes when crushed make wine, ​olives when pressed make oil' I have ​done a lot of reflecting on this ​statement and have realized that when ​I have having a hard time something ​good is going to come out of it."

— Kahlee —

She is Free Devotional Review

"I've been reading the study. I'm ​not sure I have anything other ​than to say I've been feeling ​closer to God and I have your ​study to thank for it"

— Hailey —

Westminster, CO

She is Free Devotional

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